Final Frontier Wiki
Life-form Type: Amphibious-humanoid
Homeworld: Alpha Centauri IV

The Guidons are the native inhabitants of the Terran Federation colony of Alpha Centauri IV.

The Guidons were once a peaceful people until the Terran Federation colonized their homeworld. However, the ensuing war led to their warrior development and distrust of outsiders. Following the war, many large Guidon tribes isolated themselves while smaller tribes decided to assimilated into their society with little success.

The Guidon worship a pantheon of deities, many of which were forces of nature. The chief deity and creator of all life was called Oma-Oma. Following the colonization of Alpha Centauri IV, several extremist religions had begun to spring up, including the Muskegs and the Ultraguidons.

During the Great Breakout, several Guidons left their homeworld for several colonies hoping to start a new life.
